Digital Marketing

The Complete Digital Marketing Course - 12 Courses in 1

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  • 4.5/5.0
  • 12k Enrolled
  • All levels
  • Last updated 09/2021
  • English
Course Description

Welcome to the Digital Marketing Ultimate Course Bundle - 12 Courses in 1 (Over 36 hours of content)

In this practical hands-on training, you’re going to learn to become a digital marketing expert with this ultimate course bundle that includes 12 digital marketing courses in 1!

If you wish to find out the skills that should be covered in a basic digital marketing course syllabus in India or anywhere around the world, then reading this blog will help. Before we delve into the advanced digital marketing course syllabus, let’s look at the scope of digital marketing and what the future holds.

We focus a great deal on the understanding of behavioral psychology and influence triggers which are crucial for becoming a well rounded Digital Marketer. We understand that theory is important to build a solid foundation, we understand that theory alone isn’t going to get the job done so that’s why this course is packed with practical hands-on examples that you can follow step by step.

What you’ll learn
  • Digital marketing course introduction
  • Customer Life cycle
  • What is Search engine optimization(SEO)
  • Facebook ADS
  • Facebook Messenger Chatbot
  • Search engine optimization tools
  • Why SEO
  • URL Structure
  • Featured Snippet
  • SEO tips and tricks
  • Google tag manager

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5 days left at this price

This course includes

  • Lectures30
  • Duration4h 50m
  • SkillsBeginner
  • LanguageEnglish
  • DeadlineNov 30 2021
  • CertificateYes

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